Join Our Membership

We aim to see this photographic association growing the number of photographers. We try to bring awareness to photography and to everyone who is a photography enthusiast. As a non-profit association, we have our membership fee to raise funds to make this dream possible.

As a member of Halftone, you will have discounts on our activities, workshops, books, lectures, conferences, merchandising, and other variety of benefits. We strongly believe in education as part of human evolution.

As long you are studying, we will give you the proper recognition for it.

Entrance Fee: 500mop + Annual Fee: 500mop

Students (Total fee): 500mop

All bank transfers should be done to Halftone Macao Photographic Association - BNU Ac/ 9017609054

Please email and attach proof of payment to

As long you are studying, we will give you the proper recognition for it.